"My wife and I have two kids. My wife has really gotten baby fever. This just sucks!"
Wow! You guys' cognitive dissonance is as bad as a JW stuck inside! Do you not realize the problems you're creating for yourselves, your lives, your marriage, your kids???!!!
The massive amount of stress, disappointment, financial stress, a mess, a total and all over mess!!! All manufactured by your troubled selves!!!!!!!!!!
What is this vicious cycle I observe on several posters of this board? It appears that not until their lives is made a horrible mess, by their own making, are they really content! WOW!!!
Hey, how about reading the topic on that person that's divorcing her husband of 13 years; look it up by clicking on 'Active Topics'. Perhaps by reflecting on the fact that this can be your situation down the line if you keep up this craziness may help you in someway.
Go to a shrink, a social worker , a marriage counselor, your pastor, whomever; you all need help, but not the kind you're searching for.
This "baby fever/biological clock/baby envy" women go through can be waited out as it goes away with time. It's a biological thing with the woman's body and psyche; having a baby is not the solution. Very possibly this very thing exacerbates the problem.
May you and your family find happiness and conformity in your current situation, in what 'is' and not what 'could be'.